0.4 Miscellaneous Information

0.4.1 R Packages

This book uses the following contributed R packages that are currently available from CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network:

  • devtools
  • ggplot2
  • mosaicData
  • pryr
  • R6
  • tidyverse

If you are working on the Georgetown College R Studio Server then they are already installed for you. If you have your own installation then you can get them via the install.packages() function, e.g.,


In addition we use two packages from the author’s Github repositories:

  • bcscr (functions and data sets to accompany the text)
  • tigerData (data sets used in examples and exercises)

If you aren’t working on the R Studio Server at Georgetown College then you may have to install them yourself, as follows:


0.4.2 Typographical Conventions

Computer code, whether within a line of text or as displayed text, appears like this: code snippet.

Identifiers and are represented as is (e.g., variableName, if, else, while, etc.) except for the names of functions, which are followed by a pair of parentheses in order to stress their status as functions. Thus we write length() for the length-function.

Displayed text representing output to the console appears with double hash-tags at the beginning of each line, thus:

## R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
## You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
## Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

The hash-tags themselves are not present in the output itself.

Names of R-package are in boldface, thus: package devtools.

Terms are italicized when they are first introduced, e.g.: “R follows a set of internal rules to coerce some of the values to a new type in such a way that all resulting values are of the same type.” Italicization can also indicate emphasis.

0.4.3 License

These Notes are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License:
