The Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education sponsors webinars, online resources, and conferences focused on undergraduate statistics education. We especially recommend USCOTS, their biennial face-to-face conference and eCOTS, its alternate-year virtual counterpart.

Project MOSAIC

tigerstats is intended to be used alongside of package mosaic, which is the pioneering package to mediate R for undergraduate students. If you want to learn how to teach with tigerstats, start by learning how to teach with mosaic. The site above has links to instructor guides and other mosaic-related materials.

GC Stats

This is the current website for Elementary Statistics at Georgetown College. You will find here the Course Notes (scheduled to be seriously upgraded in the next year or so) and some rather out-of-date YouTube videos.


Repository for selected non-sensitive course materials for the course we teach: slides, a few assignments, etc. Feel free to modify and re-use.


Shiny is a web-app development framework powered by R: if you know some R then you can write Shiny apps without having to think much about HTML, JavaScript, CSS and all that. We use Shiny apps almost daily when teaching statistics. Feel free to use and/or modify the apps in this repo and to host them on your own Shiny Server.


A few additional datasets that we find useful in our classes.


Functions to teach predictive modeling (classification and regression trees) to elementary students. Includes a locally-run Shiny app that assists in model-selection.


RStudio Addins are locally-run Shiny apps that can interact directly with your R session: they can make use of objects in your Global Environment and can deliver results to a source document of your choosing. We designed addinplots as a GUI for the lattice pltting system, enabling students to incorporate reasonably complex and customized graphs into their Data Analysis reports without having to spend time learning the fine points of lattice coding.


We use the RStudio Server for all of our R-teaching, as it eliminates the—for students—initially daunting task of installing R and RStudio on their own machines, and guarantees a uniform computing environment for the class. The IT-R project is the work of two Georgetown College students: Cameron Everett and Chase Toy. Cam and Chase wrote some Bash scripts to facilitate automated routine tasks such as the collection and return of assignments through the Server and the “publication” of documents to students’ Home folders. Note: We expect this approach to superceded by “RSConnect” a forthcoming initiative of RStudio.

R Course on a USB Stick

William Kitto and colleagues at Antelope Valley College have developed an interesting classroom alternative to the RStudio Server environment: they put R, RStudio and a bunch of course materials on USB sticks! They have also integrated their setup very nicely with Moodle.

Teaching With R Commander

R Commander is a simple GUI for R. It doesn’t play well with RStudio, but it’s a viable no-coding alternative to teaching with R, as Christopher Mecklin demonstrates in the above links.