16 Recursion

Placeholder for chapter under construction.




  1. Write a recursive function called is_palindrome() that, when given any vector, returns TRUE if the vector is the same as itself reversed, and returns FALSE otherwise. The function should take a single parameter called vec, the vector to check for being a palindrome.

    Typical examples of use should be as follows:

    ## vectors of length 0 are palindromes:
    is_palindrome(vec = character())
    ## [1] TRUE
    is_palindrome(vec = "x")
    ## [1] TRUE
    is_palindrome(vec = c(2, 2))
    ## [1] TRUE
    is_palindrome(vec = c("b", "a", "b", "a"))
    ## [1] FALSE
  2. Write a recursive function called substrings() that, when given any non-empty string, returns a character vector of the substrings of that string. The function should take a single parameter called str, the strings for which the substrings are found.

    A typical example of use would be as follows:

    ## convenience function to order the
    ## elements of a character vector:
    strings_ordered <- function(strs) {
        strings = strs
      ) %>% 
        mutate(num_char = str_length(strings)) %>% 
        arrange(num_char, strings) %>% 
    "yowsa" %>% 
      substrings() %>% 
    ##  [1] "a"     "o"     "s"     "w"     "y"     "ow"    "sa"    "ws"   
    ##  [9] "yo"    "ows"   "wsa"   "yow"   "owsa"  "yows"  "yowsa"
  3. Write a recursive function called countup() will count up from a starting number to a finishing number. The function should take two parameters:

    • start: the number at which to begin;
    • n: the number at which to finish.

    Typical examples of use should be as follows:

    countup(start = 7, n = 6)
    ## start should not exceed n
    countup(start = 6, n = 6)
    ## 6, ...
    ## All done!
    countup(start = 1, n = 5)
    ## 1, ...
    ## 2, ...
    ## 3, ...
    ## 4, ...
    ## 5, ...
    ## All done!
  4. In a weighted directed acyclic graph (WDAG), let us define a maximal subpath to be a path that begins at the root node and has a sum of node-values that is as large as possible. (Note that such a path need not continue all the way to a leaf.)

    For example. consider the following WDAG:

    wdag <- make_val_tree(
      min_children = 1,
      max_children = 3,
      values = -5:5,
      min_depth = 3,
      seed = 5556

    A maximal subpath for our WDAG is shown below (node fill for the path is burlywood):

Write a function called max_subpath() that, when given any WDAG, will return the sum of the weights of the nodes for its maximal subpath(s). The function should take a single parameter called node, whose value would be a WDAG as constructed using data.tree in class.

Here is what we get when we apply such a function to our example WDAG:

max_subpath(node = wdag)
## [1] 6